If you wish to download and print your own End of Life Wishes form click here:

Death Cafe UK

At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. The objective is ‘to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives’. A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session.

Good Grief Trust

The Good Grief Trust is run by the bereaved for the bereaved Child, Partner, Parent, Sibling, Friend, Older Generation, Young people, Hope for the Future

Leaving Gracefully

Support and Inspiration. Taking responsibility for organising your end of life wishes.

Pushing Up The Daisies

A charity in Scotland who provide information and support to people wishing to consider the options after death, especially those who instinctively want to keep someone at home (or bring them back home) in the days after their last breath.

The Soul Midwives Portal

Soul Midwives lovingly ease the passage of the dying, to ensure that death is a dignified and peaceful experience.

The Good Funeral Guide

The Good Funeral Guide is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support, empower and represent the interests of dying and bereaved people living in the UK.

Natural Death Center

Independent funeral advice. Lifting the lid on dying and funerals.

The Centre for Sacred Death Care

Learn soul-healing practices for the living, the dying, and the dead. Transform your relationship with death and with life. Join the movement to build a death-positive culture.

Centre for Death and Society, Bath University

CDAS is an internationally recognised research centre focusing on the interdisciplinary social aspects of death, dying and bereavement.

Dead Good Funerals Book

Experts Sue Gill and John Fox offer a wealth of useful knowledge and creative ideas to create a funeral that is memorable & truthful, legal & dignified. Sheds light on a topic that is difficult and unspoken in our culture.

End of Life Doula UK

Working in our communities to support each person to experience the end of life and death that they choose.